Sunday, August 16, 2009

Feast with a Beast, beyond your kitchen table!

Yes I know that everyday I get to feast with four beasts, the men in my life. Last night I feasted with a different beast. The Knoxville Zoo has their annual fund raiser and I got to be a part of it. I'll be honest, I dreaded this for two weeks, even tried to get people to go in my place but, in the end, I'm so glad I went. I wasn't fancying the heat, humidity, huge crowd and blanket all that with the stench of animals.... no thanks! I have to admit tho, it was truly a fun night. There were two awesome bands that I really enjoyed. Food beyond food.... you did not go hungry. The odd thing was, among my favorites of samplings was Buddy's BBQ. Go figger! My all time favorite entertainer was the local plant life. A woman, on stilts, dressed in ivy and grapes!! She was awesome! I have now affectionately names her "stick chick"! (cute huh? its a talent of mine... coining new phrases and renaming things) So, we ate ourselves silly. We got to meet up with Frank Murphy (from Star102.1) and his wife. Very very nice people who are now following us on Twitter. Yes, my name is Dena and I'm addicted to twitter...... I get my first chip...umm, wait you have to abstain to get chips, right? Ok, so I've got the t-shirt. Oh I've talked to ya'll about my opinion on Twitter a few days ago. In the beginning it seems sooooo, well, psychiatric issue"ish". You know, you get on, micro-blog about your day and you have maybe two followers if you're lucky. So basically, you're recapping your yourself. We'll talk more about that later, what was I talking about?.............
Oh yes, FWAB! We finished off the evening meeting up with Jamie Foster and Claudia Russell. Both from Twitter. Jamie is WATE's news director and Claudia is an "avid editor, mom, tree hugger and lover of all things cheesecake"..... or so her Bio says! Both were very nice and I enjoyed their company so much. We're hoping to get together again soon! However, I can't believe we hit Sassy Ann's after a six year hiatus on a night when there wasn't a live band. They had a DJ but no band. I was hoping Jamie and Claudia could experience the REAL Sassy's but perhaps the next time.
A little, well, okay, a lot off topic but I have a need to share this. My husband has been on some kind of weird strike from cutting his hair. My husband can not grow hair, well, he can grow it, but not well..... he grows a chia pet. A fro if you will. I was very anxious for him to cut this rug off his head but now I'm a bit melancholy about the whole thing. He apparently is an either "all or nothing" kinda guy too because he now looks like a cancer patient. At least he doesn't look like a 12yr old anymore. You should have seen the looks we got out in public during that phase! No comment because it incriminates me.
Geezz I thought I had started a theme here, leaving you with a thought to ponder but right now I'm drawing a blank. I could have you ponder if men are bigger procrastinators than women but I think I'll wait til tomorrow to do that so...... I just have to say ta-ta-for-now!

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