Wednesday, August 19, 2009

God might have created the birds and the trees but.......

Satan definitely had a hand in fitness clubs. Trainers are his personal lil servants. I really believe this. God gave us chocolate and Satan made sure it would go straight to our hips ergo...... fitness club and a need for exercise. Need... HA......Seriously, a need for something that makes me so sore I have to hold onto a wall to sit on the toilet!!! Yes, its my fault I'm this out of shape.... technically it's Baskin Robbins, McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts faults. Isn't that the theme these days, take no personal responsibility and always blame others?

I just realized I skipped Tuesday. Cant believe I let all .... one...... of my readers down. Tuesday was a mixed up day for me. I woke up thinking it was Wednesday. Even got ready for therapy, Small Fryz was dressed, ready and pumped up for it. I get out at school, take him in, wait for the therapist....wait some more.... see McNuggit's class coming down the hall and he's in line. The entire time I'm thinking we'll join him because we have therapy on WEDNESDAYS............. Well, that would be all well and good when WEDNESDAY gets here! Small Fryz was NOT happy with me.

When will that feeling of being energized after exercising actually kick in? I feel exactly the same only with jello legs and sore buttocks! The entire time I'm joining this gym I'm thinking of all the health benefits....... good cardiac shape, toned muscles, weight loss, awesome sex drive.......more energy, awesome sex drive. So far, out of breath, sore muscles, water retention, too tired to think about sex.......... no energy, and get the picture. I understand it's only been one session but still, wheres my instant gratification? We thrive on instant gratification and I want mine.

McNuggit informed me today that I did not ruin his day again. He tells me this after learning that I was taking him to play. Its the simple things in life.......

Have I mentioned I'm sore???? You should have seen me even trying to LIFT my left to step up on a high curb....... SERIOUSLY........ it's sad. I'd feel bad for me if I saw someone like me walking around.

Tonight I'm going to leave you with this...........

Autism..... it's not what you think

I'm going to put a new spin on this section tonight. For parents with children who have difficult time transitioning or are having meltdowns frequently in public due to stresses here are some tips that worked great for us:

Takes two people: Take a bed sheet and hold it between the two of you to form a hammock. Put child in "swing" and swing back and forth. This will hyper stimulate and help believe it or not! Try this for about 5 min.

Use desk chair (that doesn't rotate to remove seat lol) and spin child around off and on for at least five minutes.

Try firm or light touch therapies before leaving house. My son still to this day prefers a very very firm touch. Joint compressions were always so relaxing for him.

All three of these were things we would try before leaving home and they'd all work. I used joint compressions in public if he got stressed and most of the time he would benefit from them. I've always found Cayden benefited from hyper stimulation. It accomplished exactly the opposite for him and does most with sensory integration disorders.

Hope this helps.......... ta-ta-for-now!

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