Tuesday, August 25, 2009

God does have a sense of humor..........

There are so many things in my life to prove that. Im sure there are times He sits up there just shaking his head....probably as He will be by the time I finish this post.

Im not the most trusting person. I'm rather guarded and can be somewhat a suspicious person. GASP! I know, I know, not the best quality to have. It has, however, saved me some bit of trouble in my life. I also consider myself a very good judge of character. A few bad seeds have slipped through but for the most part... I know things!

BigMac is so convinced that I am "all knowing" or that I have a spy in his school because of my special ability to tell him trivial things, like what he's eaten for lunch, or big things, such as conversations he's had throughout the day. My sources shall remain nameless!

All this to say that I have recently made a new friend. A few actually but I am going to focus on one in particular for the moment. This new technical world and social media really opens the door for us stay at home moms to meet new people and it also provides us an opportunity to meet those we might not ever have met. My new friend, we'll call her Lee (names may be changed to protect the innocent lol). Lee is a very nice person and I've only known her for a few months but she is genuinely sweet. Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly feel like youve known them forever? Well, for me, it was like that with Lee. We don't have a lot of opportunity to chat but when we do I feel like we're just pausing and picking up on a lifetime of friendship. Just thought I'd share that with you all as I'm really excited about meeting all these new people and making new friends.

I'm hacking, sneezing and coughing my head off due to a cold that Ive been trying to deny when suddenly it dawns on me there is one specific thing that women who give birth and women who adopt do not share..... that is the retained ability to not pee on yourself when you sneeze or cough...or laugh for that matter. I'm so jealous about that. A women's body really does just prove that God has such a sense of humor. I mean seriously, sneeze and you pee on yourself?!?

I can't wait for old age to hit too!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sonic lady, why oh why do you put up

with that idiot of a husband you have? Those commercials seriously irritate me, and make me a lil angry. I don't know why, I don't have to put up with him. I just don't think that a commercial has ever evoked so much anger from me, tis odd. I vote she divorce him and get a hot new boyfriend. Maybe a pool boy! They could go to Sonic on their dates. Maybe have flowers delivered to the car or a guy dressed in a tux playing the violin?? Now that would be a cool commercial. They could even have it go thru phases.......

phase I: the break-up. phase II: after court run for a Jr banana split because that's all she could afford after paying her attorney. phase III: her and girlfriend at Sonic pigging out because "all the good ones are either married or gay". phase IV: girl meets guy, girl falls in love with guy, girl finds out guy is married and is a cheating pig. phase V; her and girlfriend pig out again and reconfirm that they all are in fact either married or gay.

I mean seriously, I think I could write an entire lifetime of commercials for these people if they could just see past the light of day.

I didn't use to like the woman at all either, then I thought perhaps there is hope for her. I know there is especially if they'll let me help her out.

Perhaps the girlfriend could even get the ball rolling saying something like "why do you stay with that idiot husband of yours......... "

As you can see I've put a lot of thought into this and I'm not sure if that makes me creative or sad. Probably a bit of both. I just know that by making that commercial better it could quite possibly bring the statistics of road rage down just a little bit. I know this, for it is true!

I can't breathe, my throat is killing me and I feel like crap! Does anyone care, most likely not. But I was told yesterday to Push On Soldier and so push I shall. Today will be a full day, getting kids ID made, going to the gym, washing a gazillion tons of laundry to get ready for the beach and prepare for a very very long day tomorrow with doctor appointments and soccer practice.

I'll see ya'll tomorrow with an update on my life......... ta-ta-for-now!