Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As Seen On Twitter, Kids... Don't try this at home~

There are just some things that you do not want to learn thru a third party, have written in the sky or read about on Twitter in 140 characters or less. A few of those examples might be:

5. Honey, I guess the vasectomy didn't work... we're pregnant, again, with triplets!

4. Well, guess I'll be looking for a new job.

3. Snap, guess I shouldn't have been texting and driving, Officer!

2. I think you're my dad

and last but not least;

1. I found something in my shoe this morning. Put it on, felt something near my toes, dump it out thinking a kids toy, it was a mouse. Weird.

That, my friend, is how I learned I have a RAT in the house. Followed by this comment;

"The mouse ran out of my shoe and I tried to get the cats to catch it, but it got away. Shh, don't tell my wife. LOL "

And it gets better;

"Dear wife, this morning when the mouse ran away to hide, you were sleeping. I'm sorry I had to go to work. LOL I think it's in the shoe box."

Mind you, I have still not received a phone call informing me of said mouse. Nor did he set the shoe box OUTSIDE on the deck so the RAT could run out of it and be free. Yes, I keep referring to it as is because lets not sugar coat it. Its a rodent, it carries disease, its disgusting!! I live with four guys and two cats, hence the blog name, and not ONE of them is on hand to catch this RAT. I won't even mention the countless times I have had to kill bugs and spiders myself. WHAT did I get married for and have these boys if not to kill nasty lil things like RATS and bugs??? Seriously, I could be living with a girlfriend or a gayfriend in a clean, nicely decorated house and I would NEVER fall in the toilet because the seat was left up. Nor would I ever sit down in pee because I forgot to look before I sat. It must be true love! That's all I'm sayin........

Potty training, oh the joys of!
SmallFryz: Mommy mommy mommy, I need go poop.
Mommy: Ok, come on! Yea! Poopie n da pottie Poopie n da pottie!
SmallFryz: Oh nevamind, I jus fawted.
What an ending to a very interesting day!
WonderWorks review: This week WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge is offering TN residents (with valid TN drivers license) 5.00 admission (children discounted). I have to say the entrance to the activity area is awesome. One of those lil tunnels you walk thru that turns and you try to stay upright and not fall on your face. LOVED it. The rest was OK at best for me. Probably would have been a lot better if I wasnt trying to keep up with Bonnie n Clyde aka McNuggit and SmallFryz. There is A LOT to read so concentrating on that would have been a positive. It was entertaining. Monty and BigMac loved it. I probably would too with just them. So, my advice is, don't pay full price. Go when there is a special or significantly discounted coupon. I would never pay full price or near for this attraction. Go with child 10 or older. Plan for at least 2 hours, perhaps longer if busy so you get to do it all.