Saturday, August 15, 2009

For the love of God and all things.........

wonderful I could NOT remember my name and/or password to get in here to write my blog post this morning. I'm pretty sure it was another blonde moment, however, I'm going to blame this one on just awakening and still being sleep. Yea, that sounds good. So, what to write about today. I think I'll finish up with McNuggit.

Let's back up a bit to almost 3yrs ago. He has been in the special education program through our school system since turning 3. Last yr he was able to be transferred into a typically developing pre-school and did just great. This year he started Kindergarten and is doing just great. First day of school went basically as expected. He was eager to get back into a routine because he thrives on routine! I wasn't anticipating this being a big emotional ordeal as it was with BigMack because he's been in the school system so long. Wrong! The teacher sent home a poem about his little hands and his little spirit and his little soul and I LOST it. It's so true, he is a lil guy and he's been through so much in his "little" life. He's faced more at the age of 3 than most kids do before 10. He's put on brave faces for tests and therapies and studies when he just wanted to be home lining up his toys and spinning around in circles. He still loves to spin! Put this child on the teacup ride and he is in HEAVEN. Anyway, back to school... yes it was hard because it made me realize even through the years our life that seemed to have stood still, that he was in fact growing up. BigMack grew up during those years too and SmallFryz left toddlerhood behind. All focus was on McNuggit, had to be........ cant explain that unless you've lived it but just know, it had to be. So I pick him up the first day and he's terribly upset that he will be taking a nap soon after going home. I explained we'd eat a snack and he could play a bit then it was nap time. Well, you would have thought that I just killed the child. He informed me that I ruined his whole day! After three kids you get use to hearing this and actually have adjusted to the fact that you ruin someones day, if not everyone's, on a daily basis. Its not earth shattering to me anymore! Flash forward to day two of Kindergarten. We go in the classroom and my son announces to all "I sure hope my mommy doesn't ruin my day today". This will be the theme for the next few days if not weeks! Then Small Fryz chimes in with a high pitched voice as if he's a backup singer..... "Yeah, I hope mommy doesn't ruin his day". Musical talent is so nice to have!

All my children are lil comical entertainers. BigMack will have his pic in the local paper this week after kicking off football season. After they creamed their opponent with a shutout in local Jamboree he proceeded to the other team so he could shake hands with every single player to tell them "good game, God bless and have a safe season". I love that kid!

I want to take a small moment to do some educating on:
Autism..... it's not what you think.
That's what I'm calling this section. Please don't read all the psychological mumbo jumbo put out there about how autistic people are suppose to act. If you really want to be in the know, ask a family. No two autistic personalities are alike. You cant clump them in a group or category. You cant predict the rate of progression or REgression, as we sometimes see. My son use to be one that drooled, sat in the corner chewing on his nails, occasionally banged his head, wouldn't look at you and couldn't speak. He's now a happy, social, interactive animated child. He still retains a lot of those traits from before from time to time and thats ok. That's who he is. But if I can help him overcome the struggles, only then, have I done my job. Whether seemingly disconnected or appearing to social interact both of these describe individuals who can be on the same cognitive level. Surprised? So was I until I met my friend who has a Classic Autism (that means she's on the lower end of the functioning scale), she's wheelchair bound from CP (cerebral palsy), drools, non-verbal, has meltdowns, emotionally immature and is a COLLEGE GRADUATE. We have the most awesome conversations via email. I was so blessed to have met her. She taught me how to deal with Cayden and learn from him as to what his needs are. I've seen other children that once they are in an element that understands they will blossom. Just to touch on this....its a whole other conversation but..... she does NOT believe in a cure as she feels that would change who she is and would be eradicating an entire race of people. Ponder on that for a while! Now, for today that's all I'm going to say. If you come away from this with anything please let it be a new passion for understanding those with limitations and challenges. Check back from time to time and I'll talk more about autism acceptance.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello, My name is Dena and I'm...........

such an addictive person. I complain all the time about people doing things "half-ass". *excuse the language* Truth is, I probably have exactly the opposite problem. I constantly have to search to find middle ground in my life. I've learned over the years its either all or nothing (that counts) with me. Didn't care for Twitter now I burn it up. I'm on this computer way too much. I'm sure my 3 yr old wonders who I am. Why can't I turn this affliction into something beneficial like......being addicted to exercise or healthy food. I mean you never hear anybody say "dang I'm craving some steamed asparagus". "I just cant pass up broccoli during THAT time of the month". You just don't hear that but wouldn't it be great?

I'm so tired today. McNuggit started Kindergarten and getting on this new schedule is just crazy. He's such a big boy. He walked to class BY HIMSELF. Huge stuff. Even stayed focused long enough to get to the classroom. Impressive actually. I find myself ..........what was I talking about? I know that sounds as if it were planned but I actually got side tracked listening to a radio show and forgot what I was typing! Sad!

So lets talk about ........ cats. I have two crazy cats. Queen Haley, note the name, thinks she owns the house. Her interests include laying around on mommy's bed, head butting the ones she loves and world peace. She dislikes people she doesn't know, other cats and animals in general, people....... and especially Donnie Darko. He is a recent addition to our family and is an awesome lil guy in his own right. He's a funny goofy kind of guy. He "speed kneads" which is a favorite of mine. He will jump up on the bed with a sense of urgency. Meow his lil dinosaur meow and very quickly kneed either you or a pillow, then jump back down again. Very odd. Donnie Darko loves to chase objects, fish flavored food and giving back to humanity. He dislikes diet cat food, toilet water and being hissed and spit at by Queen Haley on an hourly basis.

The issues between them are concerning. He has claws, she doesn't. She's 9yrs old, he's got a lot of kitten left in him for a 5yr old cat. He's laid back, she doesn't like anything. Ugggh. We adopted him from a shelter in hopes of adding a new family member and giving him a new life. I sooooo don't want him going back to a shelter but I'm also concerned that one day he's going to realize he doesn't have to be submissive to her, that he does have an advantage. They've gotten physical several times so I'm sure that realization is soon to follow. He's a lil "slow" to figure things out so it might take more than a half dozen times but I'm sure the epiphany will hit him sooner or later.

Speaking of epiphany. Does it take men (in general) longer to "get" things than it does women. Just an example and I'll let ya'll ponder this until tomorrow;

Conversation goes as follows:

Mother-in-law: (to son in law) Hi, just wanted to remind you that mothers day is tomorrow.

Said man: Oh, ok thanks.

Said man to wife: Why is your mother texting me to let me know mothers day is tomorrow?She's not my mother. Is she making sure that I'm going to get her something?

Seriously???? THIS is what you get from that conversation??? *sigh*

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

I know I should finish with my introductions but you'll just have to wait til later on that for today I am inspired by random thoughts. I have way more but I'll just share a few with you.......

~I want more for my children than what they're getting and more for them in the future than I know they'll have. I want them to have a childhood somewhat like mine but better.....I want them to have a childhood worthy of children. I want them to be called out by a neighbor for their ball hitting the side of her house because it means that my neighbor cares and is communicating, it means my children were playing ball. I want them to know what it's like to get muddy and dirty playing in the rain. It's ok to go in public with their hair messy,their clothes a lil dirty and sweaty because they were outside playing right before leaving the house...and that's a good thing.
~I want them to know that everyday in school their day will begin with the Pledge and a prayer. They will bow their heads to pray and so will their friends. The prayer will be out loud and not a moment of deafening silence that only serves to give them time to reflect that they're not hearing their God's name mentioned. I wish I had been a stronger person during my oldest child's life to stand up for the simple things.
~I am proud that I taught my oldest to think out loud and to "own" the thoughts and ideas you have.....good or bad.
~I think in life that sometimes you have to be thankful the things that you don't have that you didn't want.
~The smell of cinnamon and apples makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.
~I love to watch my children sleeping.
~Holding a newborn is the best xanax in the world for me.
~I enjoy people watching.
~Why were/are freezers made without lights in them? Do we not need to see in those in dimly lit spaces just as we do the refrigerator part?
~I'm an adrenaline junkie and miss nursing but I truly enjoy staying home with my children.... even on the days I want to beat my head on the floor until I pass out. Which, by the way, if you ever see this, please don't stop me.........

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's all about me baby....

I keep trying to tell Monty that so maybe now he'll believe me. It is all about me. This blog is anyway, maybe not a lot else is, but the blog is all mine. Ok, well, so the name isnt exactly mine, but I dare say there isnt a lot of us MrsFoolMonty's around. So why am I here?

I spend the largest portion of my day with small children and my interaction into the adult world is very limited. I recently took up Twitter as a hobby and the verdict is still out on that one. I orginally thought it was one of the most retarded things to come along since that DVD that trains your cat to pee in the toilet and flush became available. I mean seriously, Hollywood has stolen so many hours of my life with stupid pointless movies, did I really want to have yet another medium to rob me of my youth? Well, guess so because I tweet a good 20+ times a day. BUT, I do draw the line on the nominal tweets. I dont want to hear the boring stuff. Actually I guess I use Twitter for more of a social network. Mini conversations if you will. I've also gotten to know a nice group of people that are excellent entertainers in their own right. Part two to that answer would be, I'm here because I've been told over and over again that I have a nack for story telling and should publish a book. I'll leave you to be the judge of that. All I know is that in this life we have two options; we can go thru it all serious and stressed or we can laugh it all off and see the humor in most things that come to pass. I choose to laugh. Let me tell you a little about my life and maybe you'll understand why........

About ten years ago I met this wonderful guy named Monty. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not going to bore you with all the details, besides... I don't always come out looking so good in them. I am a wife and mother of three boys (hence the blog name)~

I was a nurse by profession but decided, for some insane reason, that I wanted to be a full time mommy and stay home with my little ones as long as God allowed me to. My husband is Monty, he's a garbage man and dang proud of it! He's a funny guy. We live on a modest budget and in a modest home but that's ok. We chose this life because it affords me to be home with my kids.

My oldest is 18 and it has been great growing up with him. I'm fortunate to have him in my life because not only can he point out all my flaws and imperfections but he always has the answer to any given question/problem at any given moment. Teenagers....ahhhh gotta love. Can't live with them, cant hide the bodies because we have neighbors that would see. I affectionately will refer to him from time to time as Big Mack, big'un, big guy, bear and other terms of endearment relative to his size. Boy is 6'2 and 250lbs...... get the point?

Just when I was almost home free....right at the edge of empty nesting it...... we welcomed McNuggit into the world. Now don't get me wrong, he was so wanted and so planned. We waited on him for a long time..... I just love telling people the ages of my children and seeing the look of bewilderment on their faces. One word says it all.... why? Well, because I love kids and always wanted a large family. It just wasnt in the cards for me to have them in any other timespan than this. God has a plan for us and I feel like it works out better if we let Him guide us thru life instead of wingin' it on our own. McNuggit came with his own agenda. He had everything mapped out for himself before he got to us and it was up to us to figure out how to navigate with him. You see, he's autistic. This child has taught me more about unconditional love, patience and endurance in the 5.5 years he's been with us than I had learned in my prior 30 some odd years. I'll fill you in on him as we go. I don't think there is enough space in one blog to get to know him on any kind of a personal level. He's a unique lil' man and he has my heart. They all do...which leads me to.....

Small fryz, our youngest. Do the words garden gnome mean anything to you? He is tiny! He's 3.5 and still wears size 18/24 mo shorts!!! Theres a lot of personality packed into that small package.

I was all set to give you a great introduction to my family but unfortunately I've just realized that the cord to my laptop is about three degrees hotter than hell and smells like it could burst into flames at any given moment. So for now I bid you farewell and I look forward to blogging all the little details of my life that my husband wont listen to.............