Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

I know I should finish with my introductions but you'll just have to wait til later on that for today I am inspired by random thoughts. I have way more but I'll just share a few with you.......

~I want more for my children than what they're getting and more for them in the future than I know they'll have. I want them to have a childhood somewhat like mine but better.....I want them to have a childhood worthy of children. I want them to be called out by a neighbor for their ball hitting the side of her house because it means that my neighbor cares and is communicating, it means my children were playing ball. I want them to know what it's like to get muddy and dirty playing in the rain. It's ok to go in public with their hair messy,their clothes a lil dirty and sweaty because they were outside playing right before leaving the house...and that's a good thing.
~I want them to know that everyday in school their day will begin with the Pledge and a prayer. They will bow their heads to pray and so will their friends. The prayer will be out loud and not a moment of deafening silence that only serves to give them time to reflect that they're not hearing their God's name mentioned. I wish I had been a stronger person during my oldest child's life to stand up for the simple things.
~I am proud that I taught my oldest to think out loud and to "own" the thoughts and ideas you have.....good or bad.
~I think in life that sometimes you have to be thankful the things that you don't have that you didn't want.
~The smell of cinnamon and apples makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.
~I love to watch my children sleeping.
~Holding a newborn is the best xanax in the world for me.
~I enjoy people watching.
~Why were/are freezers made without lights in them? Do we not need to see in those in dimly lit spaces just as we do the refrigerator part?
~I'm an adrenaline junkie and miss nursing but I truly enjoy staying home with my children.... even on the days I want to beat my head on the floor until I pass out. Which, by the way, if you ever see this, please don't stop me.........

1 comment:

  1. I have thought the SAME THING about freezers, which is probably why I frequently lose things in my freezer.
