Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello, My name is Dena and I'm...........

such an addictive person. I complain all the time about people doing things "half-ass". *excuse the language* Truth is, I probably have exactly the opposite problem. I constantly have to search to find middle ground in my life. I've learned over the years its either all or nothing (that counts) with me. Didn't care for Twitter now I burn it up. I'm on this computer way too much. I'm sure my 3 yr old wonders who I am. Why can't I turn this affliction into something beneficial like......being addicted to exercise or healthy food. I mean you never hear anybody say "dang I'm craving some steamed asparagus". "I just cant pass up broccoli during THAT time of the month". You just don't hear that but wouldn't it be great?

I'm so tired today. McNuggit started Kindergarten and getting on this new schedule is just crazy. He's such a big boy. He walked to class BY HIMSELF. Huge stuff. Even stayed focused long enough to get to the classroom. Impressive actually. I find myself ..........what was I talking about? I know that sounds as if it were planned but I actually got side tracked listening to a radio show and forgot what I was typing! Sad!

So lets talk about ........ cats. I have two crazy cats. Queen Haley, note the name, thinks she owns the house. Her interests include laying around on mommy's bed, head butting the ones she loves and world peace. She dislikes people she doesn't know, other cats and animals in general, people....... and especially Donnie Darko. He is a recent addition to our family and is an awesome lil guy in his own right. He's a funny goofy kind of guy. He "speed kneads" which is a favorite of mine. He will jump up on the bed with a sense of urgency. Meow his lil dinosaur meow and very quickly kneed either you or a pillow, then jump back down again. Very odd. Donnie Darko loves to chase objects, fish flavored food and giving back to humanity. He dislikes diet cat food, toilet water and being hissed and spit at by Queen Haley on an hourly basis.

The issues between them are concerning. He has claws, she doesn't. She's 9yrs old, he's got a lot of kitten left in him for a 5yr old cat. He's laid back, she doesn't like anything. Ugggh. We adopted him from a shelter in hopes of adding a new family member and giving him a new life. I sooooo don't want him going back to a shelter but I'm also concerned that one day he's going to realize he doesn't have to be submissive to her, that he does have an advantage. They've gotten physical several times so I'm sure that realization is soon to follow. He's a lil "slow" to figure things out so it might take more than a half dozen times but I'm sure the epiphany will hit him sooner or later.

Speaking of epiphany. Does it take men (in general) longer to "get" things than it does women. Just an example and I'll let ya'll ponder this until tomorrow;

Conversation goes as follows:

Mother-in-law: (to son in law) Hi, just wanted to remind you that mothers day is tomorrow.

Said man: Oh, ok thanks.

Said man to wife: Why is your mother texting me to let me know mothers day is tomorrow?She's not my mother. Is she making sure that I'm going to get her something?

Seriously???? THIS is what you get from that conversation??? *sigh*

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