Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's all about me baby....

I keep trying to tell Monty that so maybe now he'll believe me. It is all about me. This blog is anyway, maybe not a lot else is, but the blog is all mine. Ok, well, so the name isnt exactly mine, but I dare say there isnt a lot of us MrsFoolMonty's around. So why am I here?

I spend the largest portion of my day with small children and my interaction into the adult world is very limited. I recently took up Twitter as a hobby and the verdict is still out on that one. I orginally thought it was one of the most retarded things to come along since that DVD that trains your cat to pee in the toilet and flush became available. I mean seriously, Hollywood has stolen so many hours of my life with stupid pointless movies, did I really want to have yet another medium to rob me of my youth? Well, guess so because I tweet a good 20+ times a day. BUT, I do draw the line on the nominal tweets. I dont want to hear the boring stuff. Actually I guess I use Twitter for more of a social network. Mini conversations if you will. I've also gotten to know a nice group of people that are excellent entertainers in their own right. Part two to that answer would be, I'm here because I've been told over and over again that I have a nack for story telling and should publish a book. I'll leave you to be the judge of that. All I know is that in this life we have two options; we can go thru it all serious and stressed or we can laugh it all off and see the humor in most things that come to pass. I choose to laugh. Let me tell you a little about my life and maybe you'll understand why........

About ten years ago I met this wonderful guy named Monty. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not going to bore you with all the details, besides... I don't always come out looking so good in them. I am a wife and mother of three boys (hence the blog name)~

I was a nurse by profession but decided, for some insane reason, that I wanted to be a full time mommy and stay home with my little ones as long as God allowed me to. My husband is Monty, he's a garbage man and dang proud of it! He's a funny guy. We live on a modest budget and in a modest home but that's ok. We chose this life because it affords me to be home with my kids.

My oldest is 18 and it has been great growing up with him. I'm fortunate to have him in my life because not only can he point out all my flaws and imperfections but he always has the answer to any given question/problem at any given moment. Teenagers....ahhhh gotta love. Can't live with them, cant hide the bodies because we have neighbors that would see. I affectionately will refer to him from time to time as Big Mack, big'un, big guy, bear and other terms of endearment relative to his size. Boy is 6'2 and 250lbs...... get the point?

Just when I was almost home free....right at the edge of empty nesting it...... we welcomed McNuggit into the world. Now don't get me wrong, he was so wanted and so planned. We waited on him for a long time..... I just love telling people the ages of my children and seeing the look of bewilderment on their faces. One word says it all.... why? Well, because I love kids and always wanted a large family. It just wasnt in the cards for me to have them in any other timespan than this. God has a plan for us and I feel like it works out better if we let Him guide us thru life instead of wingin' it on our own. McNuggit came with his own agenda. He had everything mapped out for himself before he got to us and it was up to us to figure out how to navigate with him. You see, he's autistic. This child has taught me more about unconditional love, patience and endurance in the 5.5 years he's been with us than I had learned in my prior 30 some odd years. I'll fill you in on him as we go. I don't think there is enough space in one blog to get to know him on any kind of a personal level. He's a unique lil' man and he has my heart. They all do...which leads me to.....

Small fryz, our youngest. Do the words garden gnome mean anything to you? He is tiny! He's 3.5 and still wears size 18/24 mo shorts!!! Theres a lot of personality packed into that small package.

I was all set to give you a great introduction to my family but unfortunately I've just realized that the cord to my laptop is about three degrees hotter than hell and smells like it could burst into flames at any given moment. So for now I bid you farewell and I look forward to blogging all the little details of my life that my husband wont listen to.............

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