Monday, August 17, 2009

What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man......(apologies for such a long post)....

*guess I didnt get in my 30K (words) today so I saved them all for you ........arent you lucky!*

I'm sure he doesn't have a clue what he did! Monty has always made me feel like I'm Ms. America. I guess the poor man has on love goggles, I dunno. He never fails to tell me that I'm beautiful or make me feel loved and special even when I feel like a frumpy sack o'potatoes. He's like the real life Shallow Hal I think. Ok, so maybe I'm going overboard. It's not like I'm Frankenstein's bride and frighten little children merely by my presence.

Oh and before we get much further with our relationship....that's yours and mine, not mine and Monty's.......... let me be the first to say that this blog will not be the award winner of any grammar or spelling competitions, just sayin....

Anyway, today we go to a very popular gym to speak to a representative about joining. I've recently gotten myself together in a few areas and this is one that I feel I'm ready to work on. I'm almost 40, I'm diabetic and yes, I can check the "more to love box" in the physical description area. I'm thinking that I have got to do something to get my health in check because I've got to live at least another 80-90yrs to make sure my kids are taken care of.

Soooo, here we are at this gym and the rep is explaining how their program works, education on diet and exercise being the foremost important. He wants to make sure that we understand calories aren't just calories. You have to eat a balanced diet of protein, carbs, fat ...blah blah blah and he wants to make sure we understand that it takes a lifestyle change to benefit from any gym membership and its not a quick fix yada yada yada..... Monty, that wonderful man o'mine, pipes up and says, "Oh trust me, I can tell you, she is doing so good with her diet and stuff, she is committed and is doing good and making good choices!" How awesome is that???? Its nice enough that he noticed but it felt good that he wanted to brag about it! There are times I wanna slap him up side the head..... JUST being honest....... but for the most part, I think I'll keep him!

So today was a big day for McNuggit. First FULL day of Kindergarten AND he got to walk into class by himself! He's all excited about this too. We pull thru the line, the assistant principle opens his door and out goes my little man. You can see the pride beaming from his eyes. The asst. principle shuts the door, McNuggit's stands on the sidewalk with his lil hands crammed down in his pockets looking around at the birds, just loving life in general. ...... still standing there......still.......... now we're lunging back and forth.......... I'm driving off.......... he's still there, spinning, lunging and loving life. I stop the car, get out and say.... "_____ honey, you have to go in the doors and go to your class (right inside the door) like we talked about!" OHHH ok mommy he says and that was that.

Not sure why I didn't realize that I needed to say that for the 100th millionth time! Actually, I think he did just AWESOME. He's easily distracted........... wonder where he gets that from?

And here comes one of my favorite parts:

Autism, its not what you think................

Sensory disorders.......... want to know what that's like? Go to Walmart, turn up one of the TV's and stereos as loud as they will go on separate stations, better yet, turn every TV to a different station. Now, get several people around you all wearing different lotions, perfumes, deodorants and add in the smells of food from the deli and bakery. Factor in the two children that just went by you screaming . Now, you're also cold, so cold you feel like ice water was dumped on you.........ok, so we'll dump some ice water on you so you know what that feels like. You have an annoying tag sticking in your neck from your shirt but you cant remove it because you haven't realized this is really bothering you because there are so many other sensory input information being relayed right now you're about to explode............. NOW the hard part......

"Hi, (blaring tv's)wel(stereos all playing different song)com(perfumes and kids screaming)e to(nasty chicken smell)Wa(itchy tag, annoying smells, kid screaming)lmart, (getting the picture)can I (approaching, two seconds to meltdown, liftoff)help you?" HUH? What did she just say?

Did you actually see the sentence in there from the Walmart employee? It's difficult and that's what people with autism and sensory disorders go thru every single day all hours of the day. Sometimes they can tune things out one at a time, often times they cant. And we wonder why they don't make eye contact?!?!

Speaking of eye contact. Have you ever taken your hand and covered the bottom portion of your face? You can still perceive if you're in a good or bad mood, confused or excited by just seeing small portions of the face. Our faces give SO much information at one time. Our mouths and how we're holding them, eyebrows ...... everything. Its a lot of information to take in all at once, especially for someone with sensory issues.

My friend who is autistic, her name is Shannon, she's 25. She has told me that she can't look at you and listen to you at the same time. Its way over stimulating for her especially trying to make eye contact.

So in short, the next time you think a child living with autism is not paying attention to you, think again.......they are most likely taking it all in!!! Also, remember people like this when applying perfumes and lotions. Sometimes its just way too much for some people to handle. AND, if you see a child having issues in public, throwing a fit or having a meltdown, don't just assume mom or dad needs to "spank their bottom" or discipline the child..... perhaps they're having issues with their environment and for some that's the only way to express their displeasure.

Until tomorrow......... ta-ta-for-now!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hons, I belong to the Rush and I told them on day one that I hate everyone and would not be partaking in any kind of personal training. They have totally left me alone and it's been awesome!
