AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I can't take it anymore. I can't bite my tongue anymore. Leggggoo!
As I sit here writing this blog I know that it will probably offend some, some will probably blow it off as nothing and others will take it to heart. Some will probably not give it another thought because I've not won their respect and others will remember things they have said in the past and think to themselves (hopefully)... "maybe I shouldn't have said that". Whatever the outcome is, this is my blog and basically, I own my words, this is the United States, we have freedom of speech and we can voice our opinions. So, having said that, if you offend easily I would advise you to rethink going any further. ~Why do my blogs seem to come with a disclaimer?~
I have a diverse group of friends. I have friends who are Catholic, some are even Priests. I have many Christian friends, some attend the church every time the doors are open and others have a personal relationship with God and are content with that and have never set foot in a church. Who am I to judge. I also have friends who are Agnostic, Wiccan... one of which is a Priest. Yes, as you can imagine that has lead to some very interesting conversations. We both agree to agree to disagree... respectfully. I have friends who are Atheist, some who are Jewish and so on and so on. I also have friends from different ethnic backgrounds. For a lil' country small town girl I do get around, huh? Stay still, don't go anywhere I actually do have a point to all this jabbering..... of which I was just interrupted and forgot. Oh my I LOVE ADD!! Oh yes~
So, I dearly cherish what each person has brought to my life. I love some dearly, care deeply for others, tolerate a few and avoid a couple like the plague. Yeap, I said it. No matter where the person falls into category I try to take something from each. I respect each of these people as individuals and I respect their personal values. None of them can say that I have ever disrespected either... on purpose. Being the good lil' Christian person that I was taught to be... I have kept my mouth shut, hand tightly over my mouth and tongue tightly bitten when I've been made fun of and mocked for being a Christian... among other things... and quite frankly... It. Gets. Old. No, I am NOT perfect. Not by any means. And some how, this is used against Christians. We are judged by the same standards that others mock. I just don't get that. I fail constantly. I fall short of perfection every moment of every day and I will for the rest of my life. That's just part of being human. I don't plan to, I don't purposely do it, it just is. I set a bad example from time to time. And I know this. I am ashamed for this. But it happens. Knowing who I am I will probably regret some of this blog. But in this moment I need to get this out. It's also pretty arrogant to think anyone will actually read this blog but I'm hoping that someone will, and perhaps it might make them reconsider their words and what it might mean to another person. So in short, please, if you are my FRIEND... if you really feel you are a friend to me.... can you respect me enough to not call a day I hold sacred in my heart grave robbers day.... or refer to my religious beliefs as "fairy tales" (I am not necessarily calling anyone out here I am using this as an example) .......
...... or even beyond that: Can you NOT insult the very people who I have grown up with my entire life? The farmers, the rednecks, the mountain "folk"...... the southerners. We're not as backward and stupid as you think. We have feelings, we love, we laugh, we get mad and we write blogs about it. I have a friend on Twitter whose handle is NoJudgingWords. Wouldn't it be wonderful if EVERY SINGLE TIME someone was about to make an ignorant or hurtful statement they'd stop and think... is this a judgement toward someone? Is this hurtful or insulting?
This blog did not start out and was not intended to be entirely about religion, I'm not sure how it went in that direction. Even as I go back and read it I'm slightly confused. My rant began because of an entirely different subject and ended here. Wow! Again, SO ADD!! And SO southern... you know we usually do take the long way around a subject when getting to the point. I absolutely LOVE that about us, it makes for some great stories!
My rant was circling around to this..... WHY do people move to the south and expect us to be like the north? I do not get that and probably... as long as I live will never understand it. Why do people move to small towns and then complain about how "small town" it is. HELLO.... it's a small town?!? *major eyeroll* IF you wanted a big metro northern town perhaps moving somewhere north of the Mason Dixon OUT of the Bible Belt and into a major metropolitan area would have been the intelligent thing to have attempted?I'm justsayin!! I dunno, call me a realist.
Wow, that felt SOOOO good!
Now that I have probably isolated a fairly large group of people with my rant I guess I am somewhat finished..... a person can only be quiet for so long and if you know me well you know I have kept quiet for a very very long time..... and if you know me very well you realize just how very difficult this was. I'm a simple girl that tries to give far more than she receives, with a lot of opinions that tries to stay very much under the radar ..... and in some worlds I probably do.... others, not so much. Point is, I try. And I will try again tomorrow when this blog is long since forgotten............