Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shoutout to my son..... here is my response to: Sunday shoes, cap and gown....

all your friends gathered round. You worked so hard, waited so long and it all comes down to this. You think its so sad, friends growing apart but what you don't know is this. You keep the ones that are true, don't cry, they're all there within you. You made each other who you all are with laughter, fights and tears. Now take a step back son and soak it all in because this is the first day of your life. ~~~Mom

"Sunday shoes, Cap and Gowns"
Brad Parker ~ "Sunday shoes, cap and gowns. The whole town gathered around. Waited 18 years now its all comin down to this. I scanned the crowd and it fills my soul, my best friends all here in rows. No turnin back, now its time to walk that line. This tassels gonna turn, but when the moment passes by, we'll just walk away, then slowly grow....apart. But I'm not gonna cry, no not one sad or happy tear I've waited all my life"

This was in response to Bradley's shout out on his Facebook page. I think I'm probably feeling a lot of the same emotions he is this week but for different reasons. I'm so excited for him. I'm almost giddy at times. But there is a sadness, for him and for myself. We know some of those kids will walk away from that stage Friday night and the bonds they shared a few minutes before will be broken and never cross again. Others will be friends for a few years, try to keep in touch and ultimately life will happen, people will get married, have families and the bonds that were are no more. But there will be those few...... very few people that will remain as close in the years to come as they are at this very moment. They will go days, months without interacting but when they see each other they will instantly connect. They will pick up from the moment time left them last. Those are the friends that last a lifetime, the ones you can call at 2AM because your world just changed and you needed to tell somebody. I have a friend like that, her name is Stephanie. We have loved, hated, laughed, plotted and cried all with equal passion. We have been best friends and worst enemies. We have been to the darkest places on earth together and celebrated in the most beautiful. We have both answered and received that 2AM phone call because our lives had forever changed and there was NO ONE who would understand. So for all these emotions I feel along with my son. He hasn't seen the other side, he doesn't know what is to come. He doesn't realize that the true friends or friend will be the one that matters and that he or she will still be there in those years to come. He will one day. For now, excitement about college. Oh my college!!! He's started the first day of his life this Friday.... his childhood is over, if what I've taught him hasn't stuck its not going to matter now..... the very first steps of HIS life. Isn't that awesome! Sad for mommy but awesome at the same time. So I wanted to do a tribute to him and his friends. I guess that shoutout will become a part of it. Thanks for letting me ramble as always and if you made it this far go pour yourself a glass of sweet tea and enjoy. So, TTFN..... til next time.....

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